5 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Robot Mower Cutting Length

Your lawn’s perfect cutting height depends on the type of grass and how often you plan on cutting it. You need to find the right balance between mowing frequency and how fast your grass grows. And if you plan on using a robot mower to do the cutting, you want to make sure it has an adjustable cutting height.

Factors that determine the proper cutting length of your lawn

Grass Type: The most common type of grass here in the US is Kentucky bluegrass, and it prefers to be cut at a height of ½ inch. If you have another type of grass like Zoysia or Bermuda Grass which both grow taller than Kentucky Bluegrass, then your perfect cutting length should also be higher so that the robot mower doesn’t cause damage by running over the plant’s stalks.

Mowing Frequency: Some robot mowers can be programmed to automatically mow your lawn on a programmed schedule. During the first few months, you’ll want to mow it every week or two, but as time goes by and your perfect cutting height is established for that type of grass, you can program the robot mower to run less often.

Soil Type: The perfect cutting length also depends on what kind of soil you have. A perfect cutting height for a heavier clay or sandy type of soil is typically higher than that of the perfect cutting length for a lighter loam, silt, and sand.

Height Settings: If you use an adjustable robot lawn mower like Roomba’s Smart Mow system, then this can be set to cut at whatever perfect cutting height you choose.

5 tips to help you decide on the best cutting height for your robot mower

1- Start with the highest cutting length available in your robot lawn mower. Then adjust it lower every time you mow until you find the perfect height for your type of grass.

2- Avoid cutting your grass too low that the stalks become visible. This will rob your lawn of its natural ability to recover and may lead to an unhealthy-looking yard.

3- Monitor the growth rate of your grass. You’ll want to mow it more often at the beginning and less as time goes on, but for a perfect cutting height you may need to change that balance if your lawn grows too slowly or quickly.

4- Adjust the programming schedule of your robot mower to match how often you want it to cut. You will need to increase the mowing frequency during spring and summer and decrease it during fall and winter.

5- Follow a proper feeding schedule for your lawn to promote a steady and healthy growth rate.


We hope the tips shared here will help you find your perfect cutting length for your robot mower. If you have any tips or tricks of your own, we’d love for you to share them in the comments.